Katherine johnson nasa quote
Katherine johnson nasa quote

katherine johnson nasa quote

White Cop: Well, hell, the least I can do is give y’all an escort. Katherine Johnson: She’s good at this stuff.ĭorothy Vaughan: Wooh! Attagirl. 'We all get to the peak together, or we don't get there at all.' - Al Harrison (Hidden Figures) Click To Tweetĭorothy Vaughan: Just need to bypass the starter. Well, do y’all need a tow or something?ĭorothy Vaughan: No, thank you, Officer. Mary Jackson: Hard being of service broken down on the side of the road though. White Cop: Whole damn country’s counting on them. White Cop: We got to get a man up there before the commies do. White Cop: Those boys are the best we got.

katherine johnson nasa quote katherine johnson nasa quote

We work with those gentlemen all the time. You girls ever meet those astronauts? Mercury Seven? White Cop: Damn Russians are watching us right now. I had no idea they hired…ĭorothy Vaughan: There are quite a few women working in the space program. NASA, sir.ĭorothy Vaughan: We do a great deal of the calculating, getting our rockets into space. We’re just on our way to work at Langley. White Cop: You have identification on you? Mary Jackson: We didn’t pick the place, Officer. White Cop: Not a great place for three of y’all be having car trouble. Nobody wants to go to jail behind your mouth. Mary Jackson: No crime being N**** neither. Mary Jackson: Girls.ĭorothy Vaughan: No crime in a broken-down car. Katherine Johnson: Or sit in the back of the bus. We are all going to end up unemployed, riding around in this pile of junk to work every day.ĭorothy Vaughan: Well, you’re welcome to walk the sixteen miles. Mary Jackson: This starter is starting to make us late. Katherine Johnson: Here it goes.ĭorothy Vaughan: Yeah, it’s the starter. 'Every time we have a chance to get ahead, they move the finish line.' - Mary Jackson (Hidden Figures) Click To Tweet Katherine Johnson: I got it! I’m not deaf. Mary Jackson: Katherine! Quit staring off into space and turn the damn car over. Sumner: In all my years of teaching I’ve never seen a mind like the one your daughter has.ĭorothy Vaughan: Okay, try to turn it over now. Once you’ve done that, it’s pretty straightforward from there. So if you move all the terms over to one side, you can put the quadratics into a form that can be factored, allowing that side of the equation to equal zero. Young Katherine Coleman: If the product of two terms is zero, then common sense says at least one of the two terms has to be zero to start with.


Marion Smithson: They’re offering a full scholarship. Joshua Coleman: Katherine’s in the sixth grade. Sumner: It’s the only school past the eighth grade anywhere near here. Marion Smithson: West Virginia Collegiate Institute is the best school for N****s in the state. Just because it's the way, doesn't make it right.' - Dorothy Vaughan (Hidden Figures) Click To Tweet 'Separate and equal are two different things.

Katherine johnson nasa quote